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We will be working on the security for displaced and host communities in conflict zones around the globe.


Our 5 Segments we will be covering​

  • Self-Defense Training (Shotokan Karate)

  • Women Policing Center and Girls Guide/Boys Scouting

  • Child Protection Services

  • Community Policing to facilitate displaced and host communities

  • Peace Radio, Psychosocial Therapy, and Skills Training 


Self Defense Training

  • Self-Defense Skills (Hammer Strike, Elbow Strike, Heel Palm Strike, and Escape)

  • Shotokan Karate

  • Life Skills (Coping Emotions, Communication, Creative, Critical Thinking, Decision-making, Interpersonal, Problem-solving and Empathy)


Women Policing Center

  • Helping female victims and making them comfortable while seeking help

  • Watches duty of female suspects and help female prisoners

  • Attend to psychological/domestic/family violence with the help of legal and social workers in a friendly community-based center

  • To support victims-survivors who experienced physical, sexual, psychological, economic, or other forms of abuse

  • It provides teams to work from both gender and culturally-sensitive perspectives, women-led victim-friendly police stations could side-step some of the unintended consequences of criminalization, pathing the way for a reimagining of the policing of gender violence.


Girls Guide

  • Bring girls of all ages together to perform social and civic duties while calling for a spirit of patriotism 

  • To explore and develop life skills and technology to work on issues that impact girls and women around the globe 

  • To prepare girls for teamwork, organization, planning, and leadership to build their families a sustainable home in future

  • To initiate sportsmanship and tourism activities through unknown or unfamiliar locations to build confidence, gain knowledge and wisdom

  • To participate in a local environmental project to create a sustainable planet and to volunteer for charities to create socially strong families and communities


Boys Scouting

  • Character and Leadership Development 

  • To create indoor and outdoor activities for personal fitness, citizenship training, and teamwork

  • To help participate in climate adaptation and social services projects around the globe

  • To promote physical, mental, moral, and spiritual development to show loyalty and service to others

  • To learn self-respect, respect for others, explore our faiths and beliefs, and take care of the world in which we live with integrity and honesty


Children Protection Services

  • To protect children from abuse, prevent harm to their health, and maltreatment 

  • To protect children against abuse, exploitation, and violence

  • To provide community level child protection system for displaced children during conflicts and natural disasters

  • To protect children from child labor, trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation by recognizing and responding to the threat

  • To provide basic shelter, nutrition, health care and social services through a family environment


Community Policing to facilitate displaced and hosting communities

  • Community Policing for the border areas in the time of conflict to help search for the displaced family members

  • To establish communication with the local community members to help in the fight to lower crime rates and to rebuild the community homes and livelihood after a conflict, riot or military operation
  • By partnering between law enforcement agencies their officers and the community they serve to help solve public safety problems
  • To implement community-based crime prevention, activities to emphasize non-emergency services, increase police accountability to local communities 
  • To have monthly meetings with the community members, increase bicycle and foot patrols to initiate programs that involve residents and host communities for neighborhood watch during the conflict.




Peace Radio

  • Can foster a national conversation during times of conflicts and wars it provides the message of peace through its broadcast and has the potential to reach anyone around the globe

  • It can help us navigate during operations, community displacements, emergency services, natural disasters, and civil riots

  • Peace Radio should focus on rebuilding the morals and confidence of the communities after the conflicts and wars. 

  • Having peace heroes and survivors interviews reaching out to the local community can affect social changes beneficial to a nation or a region

  • It can reach millions of refugees and can bring needed hope and encouragement to restart their life and be supported by the hosting communities


Psychosocial Therapy and Skills Training

  • It can help improve the mental health and psychosocial well-being of conflict-affected populations around the globe

  • Life skills help develop a person's psychosocial, literacy, self-esteem, self-awareness, attitude, and self-management 

  • It helps individuals recover after a crisis or conflict has disrupted their lives and gives them the ability to bounce back and not live with hatred and pain for their losses. 

  • Children and Youth exposed to conflict and natural disaster crises should be provided an opportunity to learn sports, life skills, vocational training, capacity building training to support themselves economically and socially

  • Training for effective communication and conflict resolution are essential in building community blocks after a humanitarian crises and natural disaster

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